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The Newscaster is the monthly news letter for the Indianhead Fly Fishers. The current President's message will be here and the Newscaster archives will follow.

Club Message

Howdy! I hope you all are enjoying the moderation of climate extremes and clearer air. I also hope you are getting more fishing fun than I have. So—-briefly looking ahead:

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The folks at Ace Hardware in Weiser donated a box fly fishing “stuff” to the club, with the understanding we would use it for educational/motivational purposes. Only the store manager knows what all he stuffed in it, so if you want to find out (and help Tony and I sort, and inventory, it all), come to the Bee Hive at 9:00 am on Monday, 7 Oct. The address 8 East Idaho St., in the Bee Tree School. Be advised, all out-of-towners, this is a one-way eastbound street (I am harassing Ray here).

Next evening (10/8) is our usual monthly meeting, at Idaho Pizza; if you want to be involved in club planning, show up at 6:00 pm, if not, come at 7:00. In any case, you can buy your dinner and join the fun. I am not aware of any planned program, but any fishing reports are welcome. If Bob isn’t out of town, you can get access to our extensive library——oh yeah, I need to return that Scott Sadil book.

Our usual monthly fly tying session is the usual 3rd Tuesday (10/15), but the location has to change, as the library folks think some traveling lecturer is more important than we are. The alternate location is under negotiation, so stay tuned.

Our club received a request from a Midvale High senior, to help execute an introductory fly fishing class for some middle school students. The projected date is Tuesday, Oct. 22. Tony is the side-rod on this, and is planning four stations, rotating four small groups, through subjects like casting, equipment and techniques, fish food bugs, and fly tying. We will need some volunteers—-last I heard, it was going to run for a couple of hours after the kids lunch break, held at the high school ag barn.

We have often discussed the need for more community outreach, so I am pleased with the planning progress on the beginning fly tying class coming up soon. Plans are for five weekly classes, starting November 7th (with a break for Thanksgiving). Class start times are 6:30 pm, also to be held at the Bee Hive. Tony is putting together a curriculum, which should be available at the 10/8 club meeting. We will be needing several assistant instructors for each session.

Remember to check this website and Jimmy’s email updates frequently for new developments. Can I hint strongly for some more “outings”? If someone needs casting instruction, I expect we can arrange that.

Since I have no recent photos, I will include one my son sent me of one of his kids; they recently backpacked to a pretty spot I haven’t visited since the 1980’s.

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Tight lines!

Bruce Parsons

Indianhead Fly Fishers
Free Fly Tying Workshop Series - 5 Classes

Location: The Bee Hive, 8 East Idaho St. Weiser
Time:6:30 pm

Nov 7 th : Introduction to fly tying describing tools and materials. Selecting hooks, sizing hooks and anatomy of the hook.
First Fly: Wooly bugger. There will be an opportunity to tie a couple for practice.

Nov. 14 th : At each successive class new patterns with techniques will evolve. With this class the technique of spinning dubbing will be explored. Twisted with wax, spun between two threads.
The Fly for this class: the Hares ear nymph.

Nov 21 st : This class will focus on dry flies. Utilizing lighter hooks and materials that have natural floating capabilities.
The Fly for this class: Perry’s Humpy, time permitting we’ll tie the standard hackle and the parachute variation.

Dec 5 th : With this class we’ll explore the techniques of spinning hare for more Dry flies.
The Fly for the class: Gurgler Bass Bug (Excellent bass and pan fish fly)

Dec 12 th : This will be an overview class focusing on addressing any Questions that students have or ideas from the students that they would like to learn at the beginner level.
The Fly for the class: Zug Bug

These classes are intended to run 1 ½ to 2 hours depending on student needs.

Put this in your fishing diary for next year:
Malheur reservoir has a large population of small leeches.
Grant B showed how to fish the deep water (15-30') fish with great success.
A very slow moving leech pattern about "1" total length, near the bottom was very successful
The following images show leeches from Malheur, they move and undulate but don't swim fast

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Coming up in October:

Fly Tying
October 15 — 7:00pm
Location—to be announced
Instructor— tba
Probable subject - tba

Midvale High School Senior project
Fly Fishing Demos
October 22 — time: tba
Location—to be announced

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