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The Newscaster from Month 2023

Club Message

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Lord God, I do love this country . . .

Short announcement: after a rather poorly attended “meeting of the board”, the decision has been made to keep the meeting on Tuesday, the 12th, informal, with no preplanned agenda. Seems a lot of folks are out of area or busy with other things, so come prepared to regale us with tales of your fishing exploits.

I and others have invited potential new members, so hopefully we can welcome them. See you then, 7:00 pm at Idaho Pizza on Commercial St.

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I’m a day or two early; but I need to fit this in between some of the harsher realities of balancing fishing and life.

Bad news first: I was informed today that our member and friend, Steve Livingston, died last night, ending his long battle. I will miss his enthusiasm for fishing, and his “cheerful critiques” of my fly tying efforts.

Good news: We had an enthusiastic turnout for the August picnic last week, and the weather cooperated. I did not hear a lot of glowing fishing reports, but the chicken arrived in time to augment the groaning potluck table: I also heard no complaints about the quality or quantity of food. Grant Baugh presented the club with a classic bamboo fishing rod, which we will feature as a raffle prize.

Grant also has been recruited to assist a high school student in Vale, OR who is developing a class to introduce kids to fishing. He is looking for spinning reels and rods for use by the participating young ones. If you have such available, please contact Grant or myself as soon as possible.

If anyone has any ideas regarding interesting “program” subjects for future meetings, share with a board member so we can work on them.

It’s time to go fishing.

Bruce Parsons