The Newscaster is the monthly news letter for the Indianhead Fly Fishers. The current President's message will be here and the Newscaster archives will follow.
Greetings, one and all. I hope this finds you well and happy—-and fishing.
A lot has been happening behind the scenes, and much of it while I was traveling.
In cooperation with the Bee Tree School in Weiser, members of our club have developed a fly-tying class series. Tony B has been the “spearhead” on this, with many other members working to make it happen. With some “advertising” efforts, personal and online (thanks Bonnie A), as well as some extended “sit in chairs at the craft fair” time by several members, more than 20 students were signed up for the class. The first session was held last Thursday, at the Bee Hive, Tony, assisted by a bunch of members, introduced some basic tying concepts, and led them (including young folks) through tying a Wooly Bugger. Their products looked better than the first fly I tied.
As you can see, we had almost enough “teaching assistants” for a 2:1 student/instructor ratio.
The next class is coming up Thursday, the 14th. On the website is a class schedule in the activities section—-We plan to use the Hare’s Ear nymph imitation as the vehicle to introduce dubbing techniques. We need your continued support, with lots of demonstrators to make this happen.
But before that, don’t forget our monthly “social hour” at Idaho Pizza at 7:00 pm on Tuesday the 12th. The discussion topic this month is “Stillwater Fishing”- so come impart your experience/expertise to us folks that need it. If you are interested in becoming involved in club planning, etc. come at 6:00 pm and join the board meeting.
Our “normal” monthly fly tying session will on the third Tuesday at the Weiser Library. The featured pattern and it’s tyer has not been revealed to me——the website will probably have that information before I. If you want some basic starter instruction/practice come at 6:00 pm, otherwise show by 7:00.
Be aware that our Mark L. is continuing to pursue grants to fund our community education/outreach efforts: shake his hand and tell him thanks.
Next month brings Christmas celebration (Tuesday the 10th) and annual dues. When Mike S. sends out the bills he will include a questionnaire which the board authorized (and Amy developed): we need your input to improve our club and plan activities.
Stay safe, folks—Let’s go fishing.
Tight lines!
Bruce Parsons
Coming up in November:
Fly Tying
November 19 — 7:00pm
Location — Weiser Library
Instructor — Jim Gulu
Fly - PK Humpy ( bringing back November 2015 !)
Hook: dry fly 12-18
Tail: moose body hair or hackle barbs
Hump: Tan razor foam
Body: dry fly dubbing color your choice
Hackle: grizzly, brown or both
Head Thread: Black
Indianhead Fly Fishers
Free Fly Tying Workshop Series - 5 Classes (4 remaining)
Location: The Bee Hive, 8 East Idaho St. Weiser
Time:6:30 pm
Nov. 14 th : At each successive class new patterns with techniques will evolve. With
this class the technique of spinning dubbing will be explored. Twisted with wax,
spun between two threads.
The Fly for this class: the Hares ear nymph.
Nov 21 st : This class will focus on dry flies. Utilizing lighter hooks and materials that
have natural floating capabilities.
The Fly for this class: Perry’s Humpy, time permitting we’ll tie the standard hackle
and the parachute variation.
Dec 5 th : With this class we’ll explore the techniques of spinning hare for more Dry
The Fly for the class: Gurgler Bass Bug (Excellent bass and pan fish fly)
Dec 12 th : This will be an overview class focusing on addressing any Questions that
students have or ideas from the students that they would like to learn at the
beginner level.
The Fly for the class: Zug Bug
These classes are intended to run 1 ½ to 2 hours depending on student needs.
Midvale High School Senior project
Fly Fishing Demos
Date: tba — time: tba
Location—to be announced