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The Newscaster is the monthly news letter for the Indianhead Fly Fishers. The current President's message will be here and the Newscaster archives will follow.

Club Message

I find a great deal of satisfaction in “figuring it out”

The morning camp chores were sort of done, and I was anxious to get out for the first time. The wind was calm at the sheltered end ,

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but a good, if inconsistent, chop was present outside the inlet channel. The hoped-for relief from the smoke was not there.

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I was pretty sure I could find some action working the deep edges of the near shore weed beds, with subsurface damsel or dragonfly nymphs, or scud or leech patterns, but I craved some rowing and distance from camp noises, so I tied one of the Harris Specials (that Royce introduced to us) on the deeper line’s leader and drug it across to the far side. I located some landmark shore features remembered from earlier trips, and trolled the shoreline, looking and listening. By staying over water too-deep-to-see-bottom, I picked up a couple of fin-clipped rainbows, and a pretty brookie, already in spawning colors.

Soon I noticed sporadic surface rises, with bubbles, in one area. I rowed closer, trying to ID the bug. Nothing was visible, so I started “membering”. The point just upwind was populated with lots of deadfall, with younger second growth firs and spruce. I had seen numerous bark beetles on the dead trees around the camp. So I broke out the other rod, the one with floater line. In the stillwater box were some “Half-Sunk Beetles”, a pattern I copied maybe 10 years ago, from a magazine article.

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The abdomens color wasn”t exactly right, but a sloppy cast put one somewhere near the most recent rise, and the reaction was rather immediate. I had figured it out.

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Bruce Parsons

Coming up in September:

Fall Picnic
When: September 10th—arrive 6:00pm, eat at 6:30 pm.
Where: Weiser City Park—-East Liberty and East Third Streets—at the Pavillion.
Food: Club will provide chicken, water and ice. Pot luck for salads, side dishes and deserts.
Please RSVP to Jim Gulu so he can get an expected head count.

Fly Tying
September 17—7:00pm
Location—to be announced
Instructor—Ray Perkins
Probable subject—-grassshopper (dry or sunk?)

Newscaster Archives